Жм, 09/04/2020 - 21:20

Kurmangozhinov Alzhan Zhanibekovich, lecturer at the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (hereinafter KATU) - holder of the first PhD diploma, issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (PRC).

The scholarship was awarded to the university lecturer based on an agreement between universities. From September 2016 to June 2020 he studied at the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Urumqi, in Ecology speciality. After consideration by the Attestation Commission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Natural Science. Dissertation topic: "Cotton growth and the impact of yield when using nitrogen fertilizers on the reclaimed sandy lands of Northwest China." 2 articles were published in SCI.

Scientific supervisor of Alzhan Zhanibekovich - Director of the National Station for Field Scientific Observations and Research of the Desert Pasture Ecosystem Professor Fanjiang Zeng.

The second scientific supervisor is Professor Xiangyi Li, Deputy Director of the National Station for Field Scientific Observation and Research of the Desert Grassland Ecosystem. Scientific supervisors have over 20 research projects, as well as 150 scientific papers (over 80 in SCI and over 300 citations) and 10 national invention patents.