Ср, 07/01/2020 - 01:52

Subsidiary organization of the "National Agrarian Science and Educational Center" JSC - LLP “Kazakh U.Uspanov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry” conducts many years of fundamental and applied research to establish patterns of change in soil processes and substantiate scientific approaches to the rational use and conservation of soil fertility.

LLP “Kazakh U.Uspanov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry” is the leading institution in the country, engaged in basic and applied research in the field of soil science and agri-chemistry.

It is worth noting one of the scientific research projects of LLP “Kazakh U.Uspanov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry” - "Assessment of the current state of the soil cover in oil-producing regions of the Kyzylorda region."

Thus, the scientists of the institute during the period 2012-2014 have studied the morphological and physico-chemical properties of the soils of the studied territory, described the regularities of the formation of the soil cover, characterized the soil; route field studies were carried out, soil samples were selected and analyzed to research their morphological and physicochemical properties and assess the degree of degradation of the soil cover; compiled a soil map of the experimental site and adjacent territories; disturbance criteria have been developed and a map of soil degradation compiled; developed a rating scale as well as  made the map of the soil bonitet score of the studied area; a scale of soil resistance to various types of anthropogenic impact was developed; maps of soil resistance to mechanical stress and petrochemical pollution also were compiled.

More details: http://soil.kz/otdelyi/otdel-geografii-genezisa-i-otsenki-pochv/mezhdunarodnyie-proektyi/