пт, 05/29/2020 - 15:11

Subsidiary of the “National Agrarian Science and Educational Center” JSC – “Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute” LLP conducted an online consultation on Salmonella Farm Animals. The speakers at the consultation were N.N. Egorova - candidate of veterinary sciences, senior researcher of “Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute” LLP and A.K. Musayeva - Doctor of Biological Sciences, senior researcher of “Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute” LLP. Scientists shared with farmers experience in combating diseases of farm animals and talked about the developed vaccines.

As it is known, salmonellosis occupies a leading place in the infectious pathology of animals.

In vivo, salmonella is the causative agent of septicemic infections, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, pneumonia, and abortion in animals.

Salmonellosis affects calves, lambs, piglets, foals, birds, rodents, fur animals and laboratory animals. Adverse factors, poor feeding and maintenance contribute to the development of the disease. The source of infection is sick and ill animals. Adult animals can be salmonella carriers, secreting the pathogen with milk and feces, nasal mucus, and generic efflux. Discharges from sick animals pollute water, feed, and litter. Possible infection through milk and reverse. The carriers can be mice and rodents, flies and cockroaches. There are acute, subacute, chronic course of the disease, as well as bacteriocarrier.

Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute have developed, manufactured, tested and registered in the Register of Veterinary Biological Preparations Live dry vaccine against salmonella abortion of mares from the attenuated vaccine strain “Salmonella abortus-equi E – 841”; Live dry vaccine against salmonellosis of calves from an attenuated collection strain of “Salmonella dublin 15S”. Registration certificate Vaccines against salmonella abortion of mares - No. RK-VP-1-3428-17. The registration certificate of the vaccine against salmonellosis of calves - No. RK-VP-1-3713-18.

The developed vaccine against salmonella abortion of mares is harmless to horses, vaccinated with mares. The vaccine has a high immunogenicity, protects mares from abortions of salmonella etiology by 100%. during a year; protects stallions, geldings, work horses and foals - from salmonella infection of horses by 100%.

The developed vaccine against calf salmonellosis is harmless for calves, vaccinated in 10-day-old calves (from 2 weeks to 2 months). The vaccine has high immunogenicity, protects calves from salmonella infection by 90-100% during the year.


Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute is the only institute in the republic that employs scientists with experience with 344 strains of microorganisms, including 286 strains of bacteria, 26 strains of viruses, 9 strains of bacteria phages, 13 strains of pathogenic fungi, 3 strains of bloodparasitic protozoa, 7 transfereal cell culture lines.



Dry live vaccine against salmonella abortion of mares

from strain “Salmonella abortus-equi E – 841”





The diluted vaccine is filled into a syringe at a dose of 3 ml per mare






3 ml vaccine is injected subcutaneously in the middle third of the mare’s neck

in the period from 4 months to 7 months of pregnancy.






Foals born of vaccinated mares



                                                                         Inspection of vaccinated mares


It is necessary to vaccinate not only mares from salmonella abortion, but also stallions, geldings, work horses and one-year-old foals from salmonella infection.



The diluted vaccine is collected in a syringe with the aim of dilution in a bottle of 3 ml of medicine for each dose of vaccine



                                                            Vaccine at a dose of 3 ml is injected subcutaneously into the middle third of the stallion neck






Vaccination of calves against salmonellosis