Research Institute
Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A. Barayev
Director General - Абдуллаев Кенже Кожахметович
Established in: 1956 year
8 (716 31) 2-30-29,2-30-32
Акмолинская область, Шортандинский район, п. Шортанды -1, ул.Бараева, д.1
The Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Grain Farming was founded in 1956, and in 1961 the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain Economy was established on its basis. It has been registered in the system of the Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture since 2002.
The farming system in the northern and central regions of Kazakhstan, selection and seed farming of cereals, legumes, oilseeds and fodder crops.