Prime Minister Askar Mamin visits North Kazakhstan region on a working trip.
As part of his working trip to North Kazakhstan region, Prime Minister Askar Mamin inspected the implementation of investment projects and held a meeting on further socio-economic development of the region.
In Petropavlovsk, the Head of Government got acquainted with the construction progress of a new plant for the production of electrical products in the territory of the FEZ Qyzyljar. The project cost is 10 billion tenge. The capacity of the enterprise will be 13 thousand transformers per year with the creation of 300 new jobs.
In the village of Chapaevo, Kyzylzhar region, the Head of Government visited a new digital dairy farm of Kyzylzhar Sut LLP with a capacity of 3.6 thousand tons of milk per year.
Following the visit, the prime minister held a meeting on the socio-economic development of the North Kazakhstan region and prospects for the coming period. Akim of the region Kumar Aksakalov, Minister of Agriculture Saparkhan Omarov, Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Beibut Atamkulov, Minister of Healthcare Aleksey Tsoy, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Serik Shapkenov, Minister of Education and Science Askhat Aimagambetov, Vice Minister of National Economy Ermek Alpyssov and First Vice Minister of Finance Berik Sholpankulov presented their reports at the meeting.
“The North Kazakhstan region has great potential in the agro-industrial complex, manufacturing industry and other areas. It is necessary to give a significant impetus to further socio-economic development of the region, increase its competitiveness, ensure a high quality of life and well-being of the population,” Mamin said.
At the end of 2020, the volume of gross production in agriculture in the North Kazakhstan region amounted to 779 billion tenge, which is 27% higher than last year, the volume of industrial production — 306 billion tenge (+ 4.8%). The volume of investments in fixed assets increased by 20.5% to 281 billion tenge.
Source: https://primeminister.kz/en/news/kr-premer-ministri-a-mamin-zhumys-saparymen-soltustik-kazakstan-oblysyna-bardy-2002114