Plans to expand line-up of Belarusian farm vehicles produced in Kazakhstan.
The Belarusian harvester manufacturer Gomselmash and AgromashHolding KZ of Kazakhstan plan to expand the line-up of agricultural vehicles produced in Kazakhstan, BelTA learned from the Gomselmash website.
Kazakhstan's largest agricultural machinery company, AgromashHolding KZ posted a 1.7-increase in the output in 2020. The company produced 429 grain harvesters and tractors in 2019 and 730 units in 2020.
«In addition to the ESSIL harvesters, which have already gained the trust of Kazakhstani farmers, the company released ESSIL KZS-790 (GS3219) grain harvester in 2020. The vehicle was tested in Karaganda Oblast and performed well. This model will go into mass production in 2021. According to the manufacturers, this harvester has a more powerful engine and two-drums threshing system,« the company said. The demand for self-propelled mowers CS 100 is also growing among farmers in Kazakhstan.
This year, the company will continue to produce rice harvester GS12R. «This year the company is set to refresh the line-up of ESSIL harvesters with the models with improved consumer properties. Also, AgromashHolding KZ plans to introduce FS80 feed harvesters into production,« the producers said.
Since 2007, Gomselmash and AgromashHolding KZ have been jointly assembling grain harvesters under the ESSIL brand. AgromashHolding KZ produces a range of grain harvesters and operates its own maintenance service throughout the country, Kazinform refers to BelTA.