From January 16, 2021, the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Agriculture Ministry of Kazakhstan introduced temporary restrictions on the import of tomatoes from Azerbaijan, Kazpravda.kz refers to the press service of the Agriculture Ministry of Kazakhstan reporting.
"During the quarantine phytosanitary control of tomatoes from Azerbaijan, tomato brown rugose cfruit virus (ToBRFV) was detected in 17 cases. In connection with this, the Committee introduced a temporary quarantine phytosanitary measure," the report says.
In accordance with International Standards ISPM No. 13 "Guidelines for notification of non-compliance and emergency action", the relevant notifications were directed to the Azerbaijan Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture noted.
"Restrictive measures were introduced on January 16, 2021 in order to prevent the spread of this virus in the territory of Kazakhstan," the Ministry explained.
The tomato brown rugose virus (ToBRFV) can lead to a 30-70% loss in the nightshade crops, the press service added.
Source: https://www.kazpravda.kz/en/news/society/kazakhstan-temporarily-banned-azerbaijan-tomatoes-import