сб, 01/25/2020 - 13:35

Scientists of LLP “Kazakh U.U.Uspanov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry” are working on the study of the patterns of soil and soil cover formation and their assessment based on GIS technologies.

Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry is a scientific organization of the NASEC JSC.

The Department of geography, genesis and soil evaluation of Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry carried out major research work in the field of soil science. So, in the period 2006-2008 the Institute’s scientists successfully completed the project “Management of dry land”, " Modern methods of assessing land resources of dry regions of Kazakhstan (on the example of Karaganda region).

The patterns of soil formation and soil cover of the territory have been studied.

Based on satellite imagery and field research using GIS technologies, a soil map of ​​scale 1: 100000 of the project areas has been compiled.

The main factors of soil degradation have been identified and criteria for soil disruption have been developed.

Principles and methods of mapping anthropogenic transformation of soils have been developed, and a map of the current state of the soil cover has been drawn up.

A scale of soil quality points has been developed, based on which a map of the soil quality index has been compiled.

An agro-production group of land has been carried out, and a map of the agro-production group of land has been drawn up.

Recommendations on the rational use of soils have been developed.

Today, the Institute is the leading institution in the Republic, engaged in fundamental and applied research in the field of soil and agrochemical science.