чт, 01/23/2020 - 13:00

LLP “Kazakh U.U.Uspanov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry” is a scientific organization of NASEC JSC and today it is the leading institution in the country, engaged in fundamental and applied research in the field of soil and agri-chemistry.

Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry works on the study of the consistent pattern of soil and soil cover formation and their assessment based on GIS technologies.

During its existence, the Department of Geography, Genesis and Soil Evaluation of Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry carried out major research works in the field of soil science.  

One of the research projects carried out in 2003-2005 was "Problems of genesis, fertility and ecology of soils of mountain regions of Kazakhstan in connection with anthropogenesis" under the section "Soil information system of south-east Kazakhstan."

Scientists have developed a database of soils in the South-East of Kazakhstan, including data on 1896 soil sections for 9611 genetic horizons.

Based on many years of field research, satellite survey materials, a computer soil map of the South-East of Kazakhstan (Semirechye) of 1:500,000 scale has been compiled.

On the basis of the created soil database and soil map, maps of natural zoning and map of the soil quality index have been compiled.

The morpho-genetic, physicochemical and micromorphological properties of soils of South-East Kazakhstan, including anthropogenically transformed, have been studied. The main factors of anthropogenic transformation of soils of different zones, the processes occurring in soils as a result of their impact have also been studied.