пт, 12/25/2020 - 16:16

International scientific and practical conference «Аnimal husbandry of Kazakhstan: from the experience of ancestors to modern technologies»

On December 23, 2020, the international scientific and practical conference "Animal husbandry of Kazakhstan: from the experience of ancestors to modern technologies" was held dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh national agrarian research University.

The development of animal husbandry in Kazakhstan is a priority area of the economy. As you know, animal husbandry occupies a special place in the agro-industrial sector. It is an integral part of the country's food security, a source of income and a place of work for the local population. Therefore, the state pays great attention to the qualitative development of agriculture and improving its efficiency.

The conference is attended by 117 speakers from 11 countries. These are scientists from leading universities, research institutes, research centers of near and far abroad, rural entrepreneurs, University graduates, students, undergraduates, doctoral students.

At the plenary session, 13 speakers made a presentation.


Source: https://www.kaznau.kz/page/news/?link=kazakstannyn_mal_sharuashylygy_atababalar_tazhiribesinen_kazirgi_zamanaui_tekhnologiialarga_deiin__atty_khalykaralyk_gylymipraktikalyk_konferentciia_2398&lang=en