чт, 12/03/2020 - 14:37

Kazakh National Agrarian Research University celebrates its 90th anniversary on 3-4 December 2020.

Today, the acting Chairman of the Board of NASEC A.Torehanov took part in the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the university and the opening of the V International Agrotechnological Summit on the topic: "Innovative development of the agro-industrial complex in the context of economic globalization".  

The V International Agrotechnological Summit will be on December 4, 2020 within 8 panel sessions.

Kazakh National Agrarian Research University is the subsidiary of “National agrarian science and educational center” JSC.

223 speakers from 54 countries like USA, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region will take part in the Summit online.

At the plenary and panel sessions will make report Chairmen of the committees of the Senate and Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of ministries and departments, local executive bodies, representatives of foreign embassies and consulates in Kazakhstan, 15 international associations, 50 public organizations, rectors and heads of more than 180 leading universities, research institutes and research centers from near and far abroad, international experts, prominent scientists, rural entrepreneurs, alumni, students, undergraduates, doctoral students. The Summit will include the International Forum "Dialogue of Young Scientists" with the support of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.

The main aim of the Summit is to promote the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex. It is the best dialogue platform for the close integration of agricultural science, education and production with the participation of more than 3000 leading scientists and specialists.

The Summit covers a wide range of topics for the development of the agro-industrial complex. The reports of foreign and domestic experts will be devoted to science-intensive technologies of crop and livestock production; innovative technologies and technical means, digitalization of agricultural production; new methods of animal treatment, disease prevention; ensuring food and biological security; management of land, water, forest resources; diversification and implementation of effective economic and legal instruments to support agribusiness in the context of the coronavirus pandemic; experience in organizing research and educational-methodical work in modern conditions, etc.

The Summit program and links for connecting to panel sessions are posted on the university website.

Link to join the plenary session of the Summit on the ZOOM platform: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8289947577?pwd=MHY1K2ZBMm53WlkwVjlTTTdKamJWdz09 Conference ID: 828 994 7577. Access Code: 485794