Scientists of the subsidiary organization of the “National Agrarian Science and Educational Center” JSC - LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» conducted an online consultation on the topic "Assessment of the current state of Lake Balkhash by hydrochemical and toxicological characteristics." The speaker was the senior researcher of the Balkhash branch of the LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» Olga Aleksandrovna Sharipova.
As part of the consultation, the speaker covered a wide range of issues related to the role of hydrochemical and toxicological research in the field of fisheries.
The speaker gave brief information about the hydrochemical regime of the lake Balkhash. At the present stage, the hydrochemical regime of the lake Balkash remains satisfactory for fishery use according to the main indicators. He informed the participants about the main directions of scientific research carried out by the employees of the branch over the years: monitoring hydrochemical and toxicological studies of Lake Balkhash, studying the effect of discharges and emissions from industrial enterprises on the biota of the reservoir, calculating the damage caused by enterprises, etc. The speaker informed about the eological problems of Balkhash and environmental protection measures carried out by the main polluter Balkhash metallurgical complex. The speaker drew attention to the fact that despite the decrease in technogenic impact, the level of accumulation of heavy metals in the ecosystem of the lake is quite high, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the ecological state of the water area adjacent to industrial facilities.
The specialist provided comprehensive answers to the all questions asked during the online consultation.
The hydrochemist specialists of the Balkhash branch of the LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center», having a lot of experience, provide methodological assistance, conduct consultations on hydrochemistry and train young specialists in the basic methods of analytical chemistry, as well as conduct practical training for students in the direction of hydrochemistry.
An important issue related to fishery standards have been discussed. Until 2016, to assess the results obtained, the "List of fishery standards" was used, approved back in the 90s of the last century. This regulatory document has lost its relevance, since the methods for determining pollutants have changed, its use makes it difficult to assess the actual pollution of water bodies and damage to fishery. In 2016, by order of the Chairman of the Committee on Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the "Unified system of classification of water quality in water bodies" was approved, which was developed taking into account international standards, but it does not cover the entire range of main toxicants and for many indicators the toxic effect of elements on hydrobionts, as well as the content of ions (chlorides, sulfates, magnesium), it can only be used for fresh water bodies. Currently, the development and adoption of a national standard for the regulation of harmful substances from the standpoint of their toxic effects on aquatic organisms is relevant. It is necessary to develop regional MAC for individual components, taking into account their background content in the aquatic environment of the reservoir.
Questions were raised about the prospect of using recirculating water for fish farming, as well as about the development of biotechnical methods for forming a broodstock of the Schizothorax argentatus , which is currently being dealt with by the Balkhash branch of the LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center».