“Kazakh research veterinary institute” LLP (KazRVI) is the only institute of veterinary profile accredited in accordance with СТ РК ISO/IEC 17025, СТ РК ISO/IEC 17043-2013, СТ РК ИСО 9001-2009 standards. At KazRVI studies are conducted using a wide variety of pathogenic strains of microorganisms.
Today, “KazRVI” LLP is a subsidiary of Non-commercial JSC “NASEC” and has a number of scientific achievements:
20 developments of the institute are registered in the state register of veterinary drugs of Kazakhstan, including 11 diagnostics, 4 vaccines and 5 therapeutic drugs.
In order to ensure epizootic well-being in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Institute has developed the following Programs, Dossiers and Strategies:
1. Dossier on obtaining the status of well-being of the territory of 9 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in foot and mouth disease without vaccination. 5 OIE certificates were received in 9 regions of Kazakhstan, giving the right to export animals and livestock products.
2. Dossier on foot and mouth disease for zones of 5 areas with vaccination. It was received 5 OIE certificates in 5 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, giving the right to export animals and livestock products.
3. Dossier on obtaining the status of well-being of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on African horse plague. OIE certificate received.
4. The national program to combat foot and mouth disease in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It is worth noting that KazRVI received the OIE certificate.
- The OIE has published Self-Declarations on the well-being of African swine fever and bird flu.
- The National Strategy of fight (diagnostics, prevention, elimination) with nodular dermatitis of cattle in Kazakhstan with the aim of reducing disease in Atyrau region and preventing further spread of infection to other territories of Kazakhstan.
- National brucellosis and leukemia control programs.
- Strategies of KazRVI on rabies control, on foot-and-mouth disease prevention, on African swine fever prevention, on echinococcosis devastation.
- Cadastre of soil foci of anthrax on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (compiled from the results of the institute’s staff when examining unidentified anthrax burial sites together with local executive bodies of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period of 2016 and 2017. Includes information on anthrax burial from the 30s of the last century to the present time). “KazRVI” LLP has a Testing Center in the organizational structure, which includes 5 research laboratories: bacteriology, virology, parasitology, molecular genetics of microorganisms, brucellosis. In order to carry out work with microorganisms of II, III, IV groups of pathogenicity, a positive conclusion of the Department of the Committee of State Medical Supervision for Almaty and "NPC Sanitary and Epidemiological Examination and Monitoring" of SSESC of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan was received on the compliance of laboratory premises with sanitary requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Authorization of the Regime Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan to carry out diagnostic works with microorganisms of groups II, III, IV of pathogenicity. It was received the state license for the activity connected with a turn of precursors (No. 14011000 of 31.07.2014) and permission for emissions into the environment (A-07 No. 0004435 series of 30.09.2015). There is the state license for occupation veterinary activity (AA-2 No. 0060059 series of 22.12.2008) and other allowing documents allowing to conduct institute scientific research in the field of veterinary science.
The Institute has the certificate GMP EU (№ 04 EAS1/CV/01084), certifying the compliance of the system of quality management of production of medicines and medical products LLP "KazRVI" with the requirements of GOST R 52249-2009 (GMP EU) "Rules of production and quality control of medicines" with regard to the production and sale of veterinary drugs for veterinary.