Rector of the Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan agrarian - technical university, Askar Nametov made a report at a meeting of the Committee on Agrarian Issues, Environmental Management and Rural Development of the Senate of the Parliament and spoke about the achievements and problems in the field of education of the agricultural industry.
In Kazakhstan, under the influence of anthropogenic and environmental factors, there is a real threat of saiga extinction.
On the basis of the nursery created in the Zhangir Khan WKATU, a mechanism has been developed for keeping, growing and obtaining offspring in an unnatural environment for the introduction and expansion of the habitat.
“It is proposed to define nursery of Zhangir Khan WKATU as a scientific center and reproducer for researching and substantiating approaches to conservation of saiga populations, training specialists and conducting measures to preserve the number of animals, as well as scaling nurseries in all habitats of saigas (technology, treatment of diseases, provision nurseries and zoos),” - A.Nametov said.
In Zhangir Khan WKATU, on the basis of the sturgeon fish nursery, a mechanism was developed for keeping, cultivation and intravital production of caviar from sturgeon fish. In this regard, the Rector of the university made a proposal from the university’s scientists to create on the basis of the university #centeraquaculture for conducting research work, training the specialists, as well as reproductions of the breeding stock and sturgeon fry. The center will function as a scientific educational production complex aimed at scaling up the business in the field of fisheries. Scaling can extend to other commercial fish species.